Logical and Methodological Analysis of Scientific Reasoning Processes (LMASRP) is a scientific research network a sponsored by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University (UGent) is the core group of the network. The other participating centres are located at the following universities: Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Free University of Brussels, Ghent University, Ruhr-University Bochum, Tilburg University, University College London, University of Antwerp, Utrecht University and VU University Amsterdam. See partners for more information about these centres.

The aim of LMASRP is to coordinate and stimulate research on two themes:

  • Logical analysis of scientific reasoning processes.
  • Methodological and epistemological analysis of scientific reasoning processes.

See aims for a more detailed description of our aims.

Our main activity is a workshop series labelled Logic, Reasoning and Rationality. Every year, two 2-day workshops  are organised at Ghent University (one in the Spring, one in the Autumn). Each workshop is devoted to a topic that fits within the aims of the network.  Information about past and upcoming workshops can be found at http://www.lrr.ugent.be/.

LMASRP is directed by a steering committee, whose members you find here.

The network has operated from 2016 till 2022.